Our quality standards
At Preloved Clothing Online, we're committed to providing preloved designer handbags and clothing of the highest quality. Our strict policy on cleanliness includes a double inspection process that involves steaming and spot removal. We also take great care in restoring second hand designer bags and other leather goods to their original condition. We never sell items with marks, stains, damage, or odours. However, in the rare instance that we miss something, please let us know. Shop with confidence knowing that we stand behind our products and our commitment to quality. If you find a defect that was not in our description, send us a message.
An item in pristine condition has never been worn or used, shows no defects or alterations and still has the original purchase hangtags on it. The item may include the original box and/or dust bag if shown in photos.
A preloved clothing item in excellent condition is a second-hand item that has been worn/used and is well maintained. Items are in excellent condition and will show minimal signs of being worn. Shoes may show light scuffing on the soles from a single use. Leather goods may show very minor signs or no signs of wear.